Locating in Brunswick

Below you will find a comprehensive resource guide for new and existing businesses within the Main Street district. To learn more about the startup process for new businesses (adapted from the Frederick County Office of Economic Development to fit Brunswick), or market research on the demographics, the retail potential and the existing business environment of downtown Brunswick, or discover state and county grants and loan programs, click on the links below!

The Brunswick Market

The Brunswick Market

A deeper insight to the Brunswick marketplace. Find out why Brunswick is a great place to own and operate a small business.

Opening a Business

A step by step guide for incoming businesses. Who should be contacted, how to begin and other details specific to the Brunswick process.

Business Resources

State, County and Local resources that businesses could and should be accessing. Find out what incentives, grants and tax credits businesses qualify for in Brunswick.

 On July 4th, 1828, the Baltimore & Ohio (B&O) Railroad commenced operations in Baltimore, Maryland; the same day that the first shovel of dirt was turned for the Chesapeake & Ohio (C&O) Canal in the Georgetown district of Washington D.C. Each ran through Brunswick, Maryland, formerly known as”Berlin”.


In 1890, the B&O Railroad decided to locate extensive freight yards and locomotive maintenance shops in Berlin so that all trains running between eastern and western points could conveniently be reclassified.

Berlin was chosen by the B&O to solve one of their main operating problems: refueling. Since coal-powered trains could only travel so far before needing rest and refueling stops, a new “yard” was created near the East End that could serve Philadelphia, Washington and the scattered Baltimore terminals, and provide locomotive servicing facilities for westbound trains.

The B&O donated land for parks and public buildings and in 1907 the YMCA was built. By 1910, the population was estimated at 5000 and homes, schools, churches, meeting halls and paved streets appeared almost at once. Brunswick was now competing with Frederick to be the largest town in the county. The town continued to grow and prosper until the mid 1950’s when the railroad began changing from steam to diesel power. Diesel locomotives could travel farther between service stops, were more fuel efficient, and required far less maintenance, so the yard began shutting down its operations. As the steam locomotives departed forever, the railroad boom in Brunswick came to an end.

In the late 1800’s a commuter line began to transport area residents throughout the region, but it wasn’t until 1983, when that line was named MARC Train (Maryland Rail Commuter), that it really took off and gave Brunswick a new avenue of business. Because of Brunswick’s affordability, beautiful landscape and easy access to the capital, residents in the DC Metro area naturally began moving out to this area.

Downtown Brunswick, Maryland is located in a very unique location for commerce in this tri-state region. Due to its close proximity to West Virginia and Virginia, Brunswick is able to draw a large amount of traffic not just from Frederick County, Maryland; but also from outside the state. Also with its connection to the MARC train, Brunswick is easily able to connect with the Washington Metro Area, less than 50 miles away. Centrally located between Frederick, Charles Town, Leesburg and Boonsboro; Brunswick is ideally located to pull consumers from all of these areas, but still remains very affordable to operate a company.

Brunswick draws from:

  • Frederick County, MD Knoxville, Jefferson, Point of Rocks, Burkittsville, Middletown, Frederick and Rosemont
  • Washington County, MD Sandy Hook, Boonsboro, Hagerstown
  • Loudoun County, VA Lovettsville, Purcellville and Leesburg
  • Jefferson County, WV Charles Town, Harpers Ferry, and Bolivar

*These are the immediate surrounding areas. Brunswick also pulls business from Pennsylvania via route 15, Washington DC via route 270 and Baltimore via route 70

From Main Street America…

Downtown is the Heart of Communities

In an era when many people had given up hope about the commercial and cultural viability of downtown, and when suburbs, shopping malls, and big box retailers were dominating the American landscape, this seemed like an unlikely proposition. But over the last four decades, the Main Street movement has proven that downtowns are the heart of our communities and that a community is only as strong as its core.

For Brunswick, that “core” is centered on Potomac Street. The majority of buildings along the commercial corridor of Potomac Street are more than 100 years old and are traditionally the properties that are most in need of Main Street expertise and revitalization tools. A property located in the Main Street district will qualify it for Brunswick, Maryland and National Main Street benefits. Many of the buildings in this zone are also in Brunswick’s Historic District. To find out if a building is in the historic district, go to the National Register of Properties in Maryland.

Sustainable Community

Brunswick, MD is a designated Sustainable Community. This program was established in 2010 to promote efficient use of scarce State resources based on local sustainability and revitalization strategies. It provides resources for historic preservation, housing and economic development under a single designation. The designation places special emphasis on infrastructure improvements, multimodal transportation and development that strengthens existing communities.

Opportunity Zone

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The EZ program provides real property and state income tax credits for businesses located in a Maryland enterprise zone in return for job creation and investments. Businesses located in Focus Areas may be also qualified for personal property tax credits on new investment in personal property and enhanced income tax credit for creating new jobs. Not every business located in an enterprise zone is eligible to receive tax credit. In order to claim the credit, the business must be certified by the local enterprise zone administrator​ as eligible for the credit. The City of Brunswick’s EZ Coordinator is Bruce Dell (planner@brunswickmd.gov or (301) 834-7500 ext. 300). Click here for more information.

Enterprise Zone

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​An Opportunity Zone is an economically-distressed community where new investments, under certain conditions, may be eligible for preferential tax treatment. Localities qualify as Opportunity Zones if they are a low-income census tract with an individual poverty rate of at least 20 percent and median family income no greater than 80 percent of the area median. There are three types of incentives available: Temporary Deferral, Step-Up in Basis and Permanent Exclusion. For more information click here.



To find out the latest market trends, see the linked documents below: 

0921 Brunswck Demo and Income Rpt

0921 Brunswick Business Summary

0921 Brunswick Retail Potential

Opening a Business

Business Resources


Click here for a comprehensive list of State resources. This has a special focus on Small Businesses, Women-owned Businesses, Minority-owned Businesses, Veteran-owned Businesses and Technology-inclusive funding. Click here for Business Funding Resources.


  • Small Business Administration (SBA) Loans | Website
  • Maryland Department of Commerce | Website
  • Frederick County Small Business Loan Guarantee Program | Website | 301-600-1058
  • Neighborhood Business Works Loan Program in Sustainable Communities | Website | 410-514-7237
  • OED Job Creation and Property Tax Credits | Website | 301-600-1058
  • Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy Loans (C-PACE) | Website
  • Water and Sewer Capacity Leasing and Payment Plan Options | info@discoverfrederickmd.com

  • Heritage Preservation Tax Credit Program 

The state of Maryland offers a tax credit to owners of historic properties. This tax credit program is administered by the Maryland Historical Trust, and provides a 20% income tax credit for interior and exterior rehabilitation of a “certified heritage structure.” To qualify for the Maryland tax credit, properties must be listed on the National Register of Historic Places and/or locally-designated, such as Master Plan historic sites and districts. More information can be found on their website — click here for their website.


  • Façade & Interior Improvement Program

The Façade & Interior Improvement grant program is organized by Brunswick Main Street, Inc. This program offers funds (and in certain cases design assistance) to businesses and residences in the Brunswick Main Street area in order to improve the appearance of individual building facades and/or signs and awnings or to make interior improvements crucial to getting a building occupancy-ready. With respect to façade improvements, said improvements must be to external areas visible from the public way. It may also potentially be used for coverage for service fees and streetscape improvements. The goal of this program is to leverage private improvements while making revitalization efforts affordable, creative and community based.

This is a competitive funding source and is open once a year when grant funds become available from the State of Maryland. Brunswick Main Street organizes and administers these funds in conjunction with the State. Click here to view the program webpage.

  • Frederick News Post | 301.662.1177 | webmaster@fredericknewspost.com |Website
  • Frederick County Press Releases | prweb@frederickcountymd.gov | Website
  •  Loudoun Times-Mirror | 703.669.3013 | Website
  • Greater Brunswick Area Chamber of Commerce (GBACC) Cooperative Advertising | Website
  • Business Pitch Services at ROOT | Website
  • GBACC and Brunswick Main Street Seminars | Website
  • Customized Training and Recruitment through the Maryland Chamber of Commerce | info@discoverfrederickmd.com
  • Office of Economic Development Classes, Seminars and Opportunities | Website
  • Frederick Community College | Website
  • Support Organizations
    • Economic Development Commission (EDC) | Website
    • GBACC | Website
    • Brunswick Main Street | Carmen Hilton | chilton@brunswickmd.gov | Website