March Events
Latest Past Events
Winter Indoor Popup Marketplace
102 West Potomac Street 102 West Potomac Street, BrunswickBrunswick Main Street and Brunswick Farmers' Market are hosting a monthly pop up market on the second Fridays of December 2024-March 2025 from 4pm-7pm. You'll find produce, honey, house plants, succulents, eggs, meats, cheeses, baked goods, pottery, oils, vinegars, and spices from some familiar faces as well as new friends.
Brunswick Main Street | Promotion Committee Meeting
Meets: On the fourth Wednesday of the Month at 7:00PM. Purpose: The Brunswick Main Street Promotions Committee works to attract residents and visitors to our downtown district through events, advertising, and other initiatives in concert with our downtown business owners. If you are interested in attending a meeting (open to all), please email the Promotions […]
Brunswick Main Street | Design Committee Meeting
City of Brunswick 1 W Potomac Street, BrunswickMeets on the third Tuesday of the Month at 3:00PM Purpose: The Brunswick Main Street Design Committee works to create an attractive Downtown for people to visit, interact, live, and work. The Design Committee seeks to Educate others about good design- enhancing the image of each business as well as that of the district Provide […]