Volunteering at Brunswick Main Street

Pictured: Clean Up Day 2018, Gene and Diane Farmer and David Roberts of Brunswick Crossing, April 28, 2018

Volunteering at Brunswick Main Street

By Brunswick Main Street

Volunteers are the heart and soul of Brunswick Main Street.

They are the Board members who spend hours contemplating the direction of the organization, they are the committee members who pull out the weeds in the flower pots or organize a property tour, and they are the ticket collectors, wine pourers, race officials and cleaners for one of our many events. Without them, Brunswick Main Street would only be a fraction of what it has become. This community cares deeply about our downtown, its history, and its importance to our identity.   

Brunswick Main Street could not be more proud of who we are, where we have come from, and where we will continue to go.


And we want you to meet a few:

“I volunteer for Brunswick Main Street because I want the people of our town to come together and have fun. I volunteer for a lot of the events BMS puts on — you can often find me at the registration table for an event — but I also hand out shirts for the Potomac Street Mile, help at other events, and sometimes drop by the office for a few hours to help with mailings.”

Has volunteering for Brunswick Main Street been rewarding? 

“Volunteering for Brunswick Main Street has been a great thing for me. The events themselves are fun and I have met so many great people by volunteering. I enjoy meeting the other volunteers — both BMS regulars and people who volunteer for one event a year — and the people who come to take part in the events.”

What would you say to someone considering becoming a BMS volunteer?

“If you want to have fun and feel useful, come volunteer for one event. Try us out and I think that you will like us.”

Mary Bellamy

Event Volunteer, Pictured Right

“If you believe as I do, that it is important for our downtown to be a lively, attractive commercial center of our town, then we should all help to make it happen. Brunswick Main Street is the best organization to do this. It’s a proven nationwide program with methods that have worked in many towns across the country.”

Has serving on a BMS committee been rewarding?

“Volunteering for Brunswick Main Street has been personally rewarding because I’ve made many friends and we all work with the same sense of purpose. It’s rewarding to see our accomplishments, even though we have a long way to go to make our downtown all we want it to be. We’ll never stop trying.”

What would you say to someone considering serving on a committee?

“I encourage others to become Main Street committee members. Committee work is where things really get done. You can use your ideas and skills to make things happen. It’s also a great way to meet people and make new friends.”

Diane Ellis

Design Committee Member, Pictured Right

“​I volunteer for Brunswick Main Street because I come from a place where my small-town upbringing shaped my character positively and profoundly and I want to do my part to contribute to a strong community that can benefit my own children and others in the same way.”

Has volunteering as a Board member been rewarding to you?

“It has absolutely been rewarding. I have met many good people that I would not have gotten to know and it has tied me into the community in a way that I don’t think would have happened otherwise. It is incredibly satisfying to be able to go into a business or walk down Potomac Street and to stop & chat with friends & acquaintances. It is tremendously comforting to know that when my boys run around a crowded city event, there’s a good chance there’s at least two other pairs of eyes on them who know where & with whom they belong. My volunteer experience has been the “knitting” force that people invoke when they say “close-knit community.”

What would you say to someone considering becoming a Board member?

“Don’t stand in your own way! You can do it! There really are resources out there that a person of vision & action can access through Main Street to make our common dreams for a vibrant downtown a reality. Becoming a Board Member is the most profound step you can take towards putting yourself where you turn an idea into an achievement.”

Alyssa Theodore

Board Member, Promotions Committee Chair


As Brunswick Main Street pushes itself as an organization, our need for community input and volunteer power becomes greater. If you have been thinking about becoming a volunteer, now is the time! Visit this page to find out what our current volunteer needs are: CLICK HERE